
2017年10月7日—...mypy以獲得型態檢查能力,實際上,Python標準程式庫用來支援型態標準的typing模組,也是來自於mypy。typing模組中的有趣型態.想要瞭解TypeHints的 ...,Aquickoverviewoftypehints(hostedatthemypydocs).“TypeSystem...Type-checker-agnosticdocumentationwrittenbythecommunitydetailingtypesystem ...,AddtypeannotationstoyourPythonprograms,andusemypytotypecheckthem.MypyisessentiallyaPythonlinterons...

Type Hints的野心

2017年10月7日 — ... mypy以獲得型態檢查能力,實際上,Python標準程式庫用來支援型態標準的typing模組,也是來自於mypy。 typing模組中的有趣型態. 想要瞭解Type Hints的 ...

typing — Support for type hints

A quick overview of type hints (hosted at the mypy docs). “Type System ... Type-checker-agnostic documentation written by the community detailing type system ...


Add type annotations to your Python programs, and use mypy to type check them. Mypy is essentially a Python linter on steroids, and it can catch many ...

Python Type Hints 教學:我犯過的3 個菜鳥錯誤

2021年11月5日 — Amo Chen 的Typing 模組教學; 最核心的Type Hints 官方文件:PEP 484; 看過一點Typing、想快速複習:mypy 文件裡的Type Hints Cheatsheet. 我犯過的3 個 ...

Type Checking With Mypy

Mypy is an optional static type checker for Python that aims to combine the benefits of dynamic (or “duck”) typing and static typing. (Source). Mypy was ...

使用Python typing 模組對你的同事好一點

2023年9月24日 — mypy 還有很多選項與設定可供使用,在此不多加贅述,詳情請閱讀mypy 官方文件 。 ... 以上是typing 模組的大致功用, typing 模組還有許多型別與功能可以 ...

Kinds of types

This section introduces several additional kinds of types. You are likely to need at least some of them to type check any non-trivial programs. Class types#.


Mypy is an optional static type checker for Python that aims to combine the benefits of dynamic (or duck) typing and static typing. Mypy combines the ...


Mypy is designed with gradual typing in mind. This means you can add type hints to your code base slowly and that you can always fall back to dynamic typing ...

mypy 1.8.0 documentation

Mypy is a static type checker for Python. Type checkers help ensure that you're using variables and functions in your code correctly. With ...